Often, a picture can be worth a thousand words. We create, and make available, infographics to tell complex stories quickly and effectively.
Often, a picture can be worth a thousand words. We create, and make available, infographics to tell complex stories quickly and effectively.
Photos show government-contracted wolf killers displaying carcasses like trophies

Wolf Awareness is a non-profit conservation organization, established in 1987, dedicated to developing positive attitudes towards predators in general, the wolf in particular, and to fostering an appreciation for the environment of which all of us are a part.
As a registered charity (CHARITABLE #: 119301851 RR 001) we conduct non-invasive scientific research on wolves and work in partnership with scientists, First Nations, local communities and NGO's to increase understanding, improve tolerance levels and promote coexistence among humans and wolves.
Our work is focused on scientific wolf research, education, and conservation.
We act as a critical link between scientists and the public, using the results of scientific research as a knowledge base for educational and public outreach programs.
We support scientific wolf research, working closely with wolf research projects across Canada, and receiving the most up-to-date information about studies. We provide donated funds to support research that has improved our understanding of this extremely intelligent and social large carnivore.
Chilcotin Wolf Feeding Ecology Study
Alberta Bounty Project: Fostering Coexistence to Maintain Ecological Integrity
NEW: Eastern wolf (Canis lycaon): Refining the Known Distribution of an Elusive and At-Risk Apex Carnivore
We achieve our mission through the development and implementation of educational and public outreach programs, functioning as a critical link between scientists and the public to provide information on wolf ecology and conservation.
We work in partnership with scientists, First Nations, local communities and NGO's to increase understanding, improve tolerance levels and promote coexistence among humans and wolves. We also play an active role in influencing public policies pertaining to wolf conservation.