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Often, a picture can be worth a thousand words. We create, and make available, infographics to tell complex stories quickly and effectively.
Photos show government-contracted wolf killers displaying carcasses like trophies

The real culprit driving caribou to extinction is habitat loss. The British Columbia government knowingly allows this to happen by inviting logging, access roads and motorized recreational activities into critical caribou habitat.
And yet, in the draft Bilateral Conservation Agreement for Southern Mountain Caribou in British Columbia they're proposing to continue killing wolves under the guise of caribou conservation.
Dynamic timelapse video shows 34 years of clearcut landscape changes in British Columbia.
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Google Earth Timelapse is a global, zoomable video that allows you to zoom in and see how the earth has changed over the last 34 years (1984-2018).
In 2007, the province released scientific recommendations for habitat protection in the Draft Mountain Caribou Recovery Strategy, which included protecting 34,000 hectares of habitat to recover caribou herds in the Revelstoke—Shuswap area. But for economic reasons, the government chose to protect less than 10,000 hectares.
In 2011, the government amended the Revelstoke Land Use Plan to allow timber companies to log a minimum of 6,000 hectares of old-growth forests to compensate for what they had lost to protection of caribou. Eventually, the recommended 34,000 hectares of provincially protected habitat that scientists deemed necessary to maintain and recover imperiled caribou declined to less than 4,000 hectares.
Where the caribou lost critical and life-sustaining habitat, the logging companies gained more timber to cut. Even B.C.’s Forest Practices Board admitted the new areas opened to logging would reduce and fragment the already inadequate habitat, making recovery of caribou unlikely.
Despite ongoing objections from worried NGOs co-operating in the Mountain Caribou Project, protected habitat was reduced year after year. Although never protecting sufficient habitat to support caribou in the long-term, the province’s caribou recovery plan is still portrayed by the government as a great conservation commitment approved at the expense of industrial interests.
See the recent Timeline of Caribou-Wolf Mismanagement from 1954-2018.