Often, a picture can be worth a thousand words. We create, and make available, infographics to tell complex stories quickly and effectively.
Often, a picture can be worth a thousand words. We create, and make available, infographics to tell complex stories quickly and effectively.
Photos show government-contracted wolf killers displaying carcasses like trophies

Wolf Awareness enjoys collaborating with other scientists to carry out research projects where we also provide critical financial and logistical support.
Wolf and Coyote Predation on Livestock in Northeast Alberta Counties With and Without Predator Boundaries: PRELIMINARY FINDINGS
Wolf and Coyote Predation on Livestock in Northeast Alberta Counties With and Without Predator Boundaries: FINAL REPORT
In Alberta, bounties to control wolves (Canis lupus) and coyotes (Canis latrans) have been implemented since 2007 to allegedly minimize livestock depredation. Recently, over a 5-year period, more than 1,400 wolves and 25,000 coyotes have been killed by bounty hunters (Proulx and Rodtka 2015). Although bounties are known to be an ineffective management practice (Theberge 1973; Melchoir et al. 1987; Cluff and Murray 1995), they are maintained by some Alberta municipalities in an effort to reduce livestock depredation by wolves and coyotes.
COMPOUND 1080. The Case against poisoning Canada's wildlife
Numerous jurisdictions around the world have banned Compound 1080 due to the potential threats of this highly toxic substance.
Compound 1080 and all its derivatives should be banned from Canada, with an immediate moratorium placed on its use and handling until this is achieved.
Coexistence among Livestock, People and Wolves
The overall goal of this guide is to describe various tools and provide information about methods that can be adapted to prevent and minimize conflicts among livestock and wolves where they overlap.
Original Research: Is Livestock an Important Food Resource for Coyotes and Wolves in Central Eastern Alberta Counties with Predator Control Bounties?
Published by Wolf Awareness - May, 2018 CANADIAN WILDLIFE BIOLOGY & MANAGEMENT
Although bounties are known to be an ineffective management practice to address human-carnivore conflicts, they are maintained by some Alberta rural municipalities (counties) to ostensibly reduce livestock predation by coyotes (Canis latrans) and wolves (Canis lupus). However, there are no data ascertaining these municipalities' claims that livestock is an important food item in the diet of coyotes and wolves
Signed by more than 50 leading experts!
An open letter to the Minister of Health and Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency regarding the use of strychnine, sodium monofluoroacetate (Compound 1080), and sodium cyanide to kill wildlife in Canada.
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The Hon. Ginette Petitpas Taylor
Minister of Health House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
September 27, 2018
Dear Minister Petitpas Taylor and Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency,
We, the undersigned scientists and organizations, oppose the use of strychnine, sodium monofluoroacetate (referred to henceforth in this document by its common name Compound 1080), and sodium cyanide to kill wildlife in Canada and request that the registration of these compounds and products containing them be cancelled under the Pest Control Products Act (2002; hereafter PCPA).
These 3 chemicals are the most toxic poisons currently in use to kill wildlife in Canada. Under the PCPA, the Minister’s primary statutory objective is to prevent unacceptable risks to individuals and the environment, including harm to living organisms and biodiversity. Federal regulations and policy controlling the evaluation, distribution, use, handling, and record-keeping of these pesticides are unable to mitigate public and environmental safety hazards associated with their use.