Often, a picture can be worth a thousand words. We create, and make available, infographics to tell complex stories quickly and effectively.
Often, a picture can be worth a thousand words. We create, and make available, infographics to tell complex stories quickly and effectively.
Photos show government-contracted wolf killers displaying carcasses like trophies

Here are some tools designed to be your resource to learn, use and share. Help spread "wolf awareness”
Often, a picture can be worth a thousand words. We create, and make available, infographics to tell complex stories quickly and effectively.

Compassionate Conservation
Ryan K. Brook, Marc Cattet, Chris T Darimont, Paul C. Paquet, Gilbert Proulx. (2015).
John Vucetich and Michael P. Nelson. (2014).
Wolf Hunting and the Effects of Lethal Control. Oxford Handbooks On-line.
Paul C Paquet and Chris T Darimont (2010).
Wildlife conservation and animal welfare: two sides of the same coin? Animal Welfare 19: 177-190
Marco Musiani and Paul Paquet (2004).
Creel S, Rotella JJ (2010).
Bryan, H.M., Smits, J.E.G., Koren, L., Paquet, P.C., Wynne-Edwards, K. E., and Musiani, M. (2014).
Wallach, A.D, E.G. Ritchie, J. Read, and A.J. O'Neill. (2009).
More than Mere Numbers: The Impact of Lethal Control on the Social Stability of a Top-Order Predator. PloS ONE 4(9): e6861.
Linda Y. Rutledge, Brent R. Patterson , Kenneth J. Mills , Karen M. Loveless, Dennis L. Murray , Bradley N. White (2009).
Gehring, Thomas M., Bruce E. Kohn, Joelle L. Gehring, and Eric M. Anderson( 2003).
Biologist Bob Hayes who participated in Yukon government wolf kills and sterilization now speaks firmly against these practices based on what he has learned from experience:
Ecological role
W.J. Ripple, J.A. Estes, R.L Beschta, C.C. Wilmers, E.G. Ritchie, M. Hebblewhite...& O.J. Schmitz. (2014).
Status and ecological effects of the world's largest carnivores. Science, 343(6167), 1241484.
Robert L. Beschta and William J. Ripple (2009).
Robert L. Beschta and William J. Ripple (2004).
Wolves and the Ecology of Fear: Can Predation Risk Structure Ecosystems? BioScience 54 (8): 755-766.
Mark Hebblewhite, Daniel H Pletscher, Paul C Paquet (2002).
Effectiveness of lethal vs. non-lethal predator control regarding wolves and prevention of conflicts with livestock
Santiago-Avila, F.J., A.M. Cornman, and A. Treves. (2018).
Killing wolves to prevent predation on livestock may protect one farm but harm neighbors. PloS ONE 13(1), p.e0189729
Treves, A., M. Krofel, and J. McManus. (2016).
Predator control should not be a shot in the dark. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14(7):380-388.
Bradley J. Bergstrom;
Carnivore conservation: shifting the paradigm from control to coexistence, (2017). Journal of Mammalogy, Volume 98, Issue 1, Pages 1–6.
Wielgus RB, Peebles KA. 2014.
Effects of Wolf Mortality on Livestock Depredations. PLoSONE 9(12).
Musiani, M., T. Muhly, C.C. Gates, and C. Callaghan. 2005.
Seasonality and reoccurrence of depredation and wolf control in western North America. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33(3): 876-88.
van Eeden LM, Eklund A, Miller JRB, López-Bao JV, Chapron G, Cejtin MR, et al. (2018)
Carnivore conservation needs evidence-based livestock protection. PLoS Biol 16(9): e2005577.
Prevention-based practices regarding wolves and prevention of conflicts with livestock
Wolf Awareness Inc. (2017).
A Ranchers Guide – Coexistence among livestock, people, and wolves (2nd ed.)
Treves, Adrian, and Mark F. Rabenhorst. (2017)
Risk Map for Wolf Threats to Livestock Still Predictive 5 Years after Construction. Ed. Joseph K. Bump. PLoS ONE 12.6 : e0180043.
Gehring, Thomas M.; Vercauteren, Kurt C.; Provost, Megan L.; and Cellar, Anna C. (2010).
Utility of livestock-protection dogs for deterring wildlife from cattle farms. USDA National Wildlife Research Center - Staff Publications. Paper 1344.
Suzanne A. Stone, Stewart W. Breck, Jesse Timberlake, Peter M. Haswell, Fernando Najera, Brian S. Bean, Daniel J. Thornhill. (2017).
Adaptive use of nonlethal strategies for minimizing wolf–sheep conflict in Idaho, Journal of Mammalogy, Volume 98, Issue 1, Pages 33–44.
Barnes, M. (2015).
Low-stress Herding Improves Herd Instinct, Facilitates Strategic Grazing Management. Stockmanship Journal. 4 (1): 34-43.
Livestock Management for Coexistence with Large Carnivores, Healthy Land and Productive Ranches. 2015. A white paper By Matt Barnes People and Carnivores.
Woodland Caribou
Johnson, Chris. J., Libby .P.W. Ehlers and Dale.R Seip. (2015).
Witnessing Extinction - Cumulative impacts across landscapes and the future loss of an evolutionary significant unit of woodland caribou in Canada. Biological Conservation 186: 176 - 186.
Festa-Bianchet, M., J.C. Ray, S. Boutin, S.D. Cote and A. Gunn. (2011).
Conservation of caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in Canada: and uncertain future. Canadian Journal of Zoology 89: 419 - 434.
Wasser, Samuel K., Jonah L Keim, Mark L Taper and Subhash R Lele. (2011).
The influences of wolf predation, habitat loss, and human activity on caribou and moose in the Alberta oil sands. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.; doi: 10.1890/100071.
Libby P. W. Ehlers, Chris J. Johnson, Dale R. Seip (2014).
Movement ecology of wolves across an industrial landscape supporting threatened populations of woodland caribou. Landscape Ecology 29, 451-465.
Hebblewhite, M., C. White and M. Musiani. (2009).
Revisiting Extinction in National Parks: Mountain Caribou in Banff. Conservation Biology 24(1): 341-344.
Ineffective and Unethical wolf killing in AB: A recent study in Alberta (which was highly criticised for its unethical treatment of animals) revealed that killing more than 800 wolves over a 7 year period in an area used by the Little Smokey Caribou herd did nothing to significantly increase caribou female recruitment nor calf survivorship numbers.
Original article :
Dave Hervieux, Mark Hebblewhite, Dave Stepnisky, Michelle Bacon, and Stan Boutin. (2015).
Managing wolves (Canis lupus) to recover threatened woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in Alberta. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 92:1029 - 1037
And view 2 powerful rebuttals from leading experts about this experiment: (Article by Mark Bekoff)
Ecology of Top Predators
The Wolf's Tooth – Book (2010); Cristina Eisenberg. Trophic cascades and the role of top predators.
William J. Ripple,* James A. Estes, Robert L. Beschta, Christopher C. Wilmers, Euan G. Ritchie,Mark Hebblewhite, Joel Berger, Bodil Elmhagen, Mike Letnic, Michael P. Nelson, Oswald J. Schmitz, Douglas W. Smith, Arian D. Wallach, Aaron J. Wirsing (2014).
Status and Ecological Effects of the World’s Largest Carnivores. Science 343
Wolf Behaviour
Among Wolves - Book: Gordon Haber & Marybeth Holleman
Arctic Wild - Book: Lois Crisler
Wolf Ecology
The Wolf's Tooth - Book; Cristina Eisenberg. Trophic cascades and the role of top predators.
Decade of the Wolf - Book: Doug Smith and Gary Ferguson. Returning the wild to Yellowstone.
Lords of Nature - Video: Green Fire Productions
Yellowstone - Video: PBS Nature
Cry of the Wild - Video: Bill Mason
The Human Dimension
Of Wolves and Men – Book (1979); Barry Lopez. Natural history.
The Truth About Aerial Hunting of Wolves in Alaska - Video: Defenders of Wildlife.
Children's Category
Wolf Island - Book: Celia Godkin
The Sea Wolves - Book: Ian McAllister
Robert L. Beschta and William J. Ripple (2009). Large predators and trophic cascades in terrestrial ecosystems of the western United States. Biological Conservation 142 (11): 2401 - 2414.Wallach, A.D, E.G. Ritchie, J. Read, and A.J. O'Neill. 2009.
More than Mere Numbers: The Impact of Lethal Control on the Social Stability of a Top-Order Predator. PloS ONE 4(9): e6861.